Voluntary carbon transparency: a substitute for or complement to financial transparency?
- Creator: Luo, Le , Wu, Hongjun
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
The impact of ownership structure on financial reporting quality in the east
- Creator: Yasser, Qaiser Rafique , Mamun, Abdullah Al , Hook, Margurite
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
An analysis of the effect of mandatory adoption of HKAS/HKFRS on earnings management
- Creator: Li, Bruce
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2015
Accounting information inconsistencies and their effects on insolvency models
- Creator: Cardoso, Ricardo Lopes , Mendes, Alexandre , do Carmo Mario, Poueri , Martinez, Antonio Lopo , Ferreira, Felipe Ramos
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2011
A methodology for calculating the allowance for loan losses in commercial banks
- Creator: Gray, Robert P. , Clarke, Frank L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2004